Bank Exam

Bank Exam
Secure Job

Monday, November 22, 2010



Arjun Munda: He has been elected as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand.
A.N. Tiwari: He has been appointed as the Chief Information Commissioner of India. He succeeds Wajahat Habibullah.
Ansar Parvez: He has been name head of IAEA, the UN nuclear watchdog. Head of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Ansar Parvez, will remain Chairman for the next 12 months, taking over from Malaysia.
P.J. Thomas: He has been appointed as the Central Vigilance Commissioner of India.

Dr S.Y. Quraishi: He has been appointed as the 17th Chief Election Commissioner of India. He is the first Muslim to head the panel.

Naoto Kan: He has been elected as the Prime Minister of Japan. He has become the fifth Prime Minister of Japan in three years, taking the helm as the country struggles to rein in a huge public debt, engineer growth in an aging society, and manage ties with security ally USA and a rising China.
Julia Gillard: She scripted history when she was elected as the first woman Prime Minister of Australia. She succeeded Kevin Rudd, who stepped down following revolt against him within the Labour party. The rebellion had been spearheaded by Ms Gillard, opposing his policies on health, education and climate change.
Roza Otunbayeva: She has been elected as the first woman President of Kyrgystan. She claimed victory in a referendum in Kyrgyzstan, making her the interim President till 2011, a vote held to decide the legitimacy of her rule after President Kurmanbek Bakiyev regime was ousted in April 2010.
Benigno Aquino: He has been elected as the President of Philippines.
Justice (Retd) K.G. Balakrishnan: Former Chief Justice of India, he has been appointed as Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission.
Sharad Pawar: He has taken over as the President of International Cricket Council (ICC).

David Cameron: He has been elected as the Prime Minister of UK.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar: A 58-year-old woman of Indian origin, she has been elected as the first woman Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago. Her party, People’s Partnership, won 29 of the 41 parliamentary seats to end the 43-yeaqr-old rule of the ruling party.
Justice Sarosh Homi Kapadia: He has been appointed as the 38th Chief Justice of India. He is an expert in taxation and commercial laws.
Dr Ratan Kumar Sinha: He has been appointed as the new Director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). He is closely associated with the design and development of India’s first Thorium-based advanced Heavy Water reactor.


Sept2010:Armando Guebuza: President of Mozambique
Donald Tusk: Prime Minister of Poland.

Jacob Zuma: President of South Africa

Aug2010 : Katsuya Okada: Foreign Minister of Japan.
Zalmay Rassoul: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan.
Admiral Julio Soares De Mours Neto: Chief of Brazilian Navy

David Cameron: Prime Minister of Britain.
General Than Shwe: Military ruler of Myanmar.
Seyed Shamsodin Hosseini: Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance, Iran.

Mahinda Rajapaksa: President of Sri Lanka.
Jacob Zuma: President of South Africa.


Sept:Arjun Sengupta: Eminent economist and Rajya Sabha MP. He leaves behind policy footprint that changed the way poverty alleviation programmes are discussed in India.
Homi N. Sethna: Former Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of India and the guiding force behind India’s first nuclear test. He was 86.

K.M. Mathew: Chief Editor of Malayala Manorama. He was 93.

Ravi Baswani: Hindi film actor who won acclaim for his comic roles in films like “Jane Bhi Do Yaro” and “Chashme Buddoor”. He was 64.
David Warren: A pioneering Australian scientist who invented the ‘black box’ after investigating the world’s first jet airliner crash in 1953. He was 85

Bhairon Singh Shekhawat: Former Vice President of India. He was 86. A senior BJP leader, he had also held the post of Chief Minister of Rajasthan.
Mac Mohan: Veteran character actor of Hindi film industry, he immortalised in the role of Gabbar Singh’s sidekick “Sambha” in blockbuster “Sholay”. He was 71.

Events Sept 2010:

2—Palestinian and Israeli leaders meet after a 20-month hiatus under the US brokered peace talks.
9—The Union Cabinet gives its approval for a caste-based census, to be implemented through a separate house-to-house enumeration from June to September 2011.
29—Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hands over the first set of Unique Identification Number (UID) cards in Tembhail village of Maharshtra. The UIDAI scheme, announced in 2009, will provide a unique identity to each Indian over the next five years.
30—Allahabad High Court’s please-all verdict on Babri-Masjid-Ram Temple dispute in Ayodhya divides the disputed site among the three petitioners.

Aug:6—More than 200 people are killed in flash floods in Leh, J&K.
22—Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurates the country’s first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an “ambassador of death” to Iran’s enemies. The 4-metre-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 1,000 km.
31—US President Obama announces an end to the US combat mission (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in Iraq.

1—More than 45 people are killed as terrorists strike at Sufi shrine of Data Ganj Baksh in Lahore.
11—Spain creates history by winning its first Football World Cup title.
12—ISRO-built Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) launches five satellites from Sriharikota.
13—The lower House of the Parliament of France approves a ban on burqa-like Islamic veils.
19—More than 63 people are killed in a train collision at Sainthia station of Birbhum district of West Bengal. Speeding Uttarbanga Express overshoots signal and ploughs into Vanachal Express.
28—A passenger jet crashes into the hills surrounding Islamabad in Pakistan, amid poor weather, killing all 152 people on board.

Nitin Noharia: An Indian-American he has taken over as the Dean of Harvard Business School. He is the first person of Indian origin to occupy the prestigious and high profile post.

11—The first World Cup football tournament in Africa kicks-off with a feast of song and dance in Johannesburg, South Africa.
14—The 64-day-old blockade of the two crucial highways leading to Manipur is suspended by the Naga Student Federation following talks with the Union government. The organisation had launched the blockade protesting elections to Autonomous District Councils in Manipur hills and Manipur government’s decision to ban entry of NSCN leader T. Muivah to the State.
26—The Union government finally lifts government control and allows oil companies to fix prices of petrol on the basis of market forces.
29—Masoists kill 26 CRPF personnel in a remote area of Chattisgarh’s Narayanpur district.

1—The police in New York foil a major terror attack by defusing a crude car bomb in the heart of city’s famous tourist hub of Times Square.
17—Maoists blow up a passenger bus in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh, killing more than 36 people.
17—The Strategic Forces Command, with logistics support from DRDO, successfully launches the Agni-II surface-to-surface, intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM).
22—In one of the worst air tragedies in India, Air India flight from Dubai overshoots runway at Mangalore airport and bursts into flames, killing 158 passengers and crew on board.
28—More than 80 people are killed as a goods train rams into already derailed Gyaneshwari Express near Kharagpur, West Bengal. The Maoists are blamed for the derailment of the passenger train.


Mazlan Othman: Malaysian astrophysicist, she has been appointed as the head of the UN’s little-known Office for the Outer Space Affairs (UUNOOSA). She is officially the world’s first contact for any aliens that may come visiting.
A. Divya: She is the first woman cadet in the history of the Officers Training Academy, one of India’s premier defence training institutes, to be decorated with its highest award, the ‘Sword of Honour’.
Sachin Tendulkar: Leading cricketer of India, he has been given honorary rank of Group Captain by the Indian Air Force.

Leo Hunter: This six-year-old has bagged a multi-book publishing deal after he penned a mini-novel about his pet dog. He wrote “Me and My Firend” to tell the story of his alliance with pet Asatian “Kuger”.
Mukesh Ambani: Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director, he has been elected as Member to the Board of World Economic Forum (WEF). Others elected to the Board are: Alcatel-Lucent’s CEO Ben J. Verwaayen and Zhu Min, Special Adviser, IMF. Klaus Schwab is the founder and Executive Chairman of WEF.
Sachin Tendulkar: He has been conferred the rank of honorary Group Captain by the Indian Air Force, a post equivalent to a Colonel of Indian Army.
Sudarsan Pattnaik: Orissa-based renowned sand artict, he has won the people’s choice award at the 8th International Sand Sculpture Festival in Berlin, for his creation on global warming.
Jimena Navarrete: Miss Mexico, she has been crowned Miss Universe, 2010. The pageant ceremony was held in Las Vegas, USA. Miss Jamaica Yendi Philipps was first runner-up and Miss Australia Jenista Campbell was the second runner-up. Miss India Ushoshi Sengupta failed ot make it to top 15.

Nitin Nohria: India-born American, he has been named the 10th Dean of Harvard Business School. He is the first person of Indian origin to achieve this honour.
Mamta Sodha: 30-year-old Dalit girl from Kaithal, Haryana, she has achieved the distinction of climbing Mount Everest. She was part of the Mission Mount Everest 2010 expedition.
Jordan: A 13-year-old American boy from California, he has become youngest person to climb Mount Everest. He achieved the feat on May 22, 2010.
Arjun Bajpayee: 16-year-old resident of Uttar Pradesh's Noida city, he has become the youngest Indian to climb the Mount Everest. He broke the record of Krushnaa Patil,18, from Maharashtra who became the youngest Indian to reach the highest peak in 2009.
Commander Dilip Donde: He has become the first Indian to sail solo around the world.
Shah Faesal: An MBBS degree holder from Srinagar, he has topped the Civil Services Exam 2009.
Gita Gopinath: She is the first Indian woman in the history of Harvard University to be appointed a full time professor at the University. She is a professor in Economics Department of Harvard University.


Madhav Kumar Nepal: Prime Minister of Nepal.
Shibu Soren: Chief Minister of Jharkhand

Horst Koehler: President of Germany. He resigned following criticism over his comments about Germany’s military engagement in Afghanistan. He is the first President in Germany’s post-war history to resign before completing his term.

Others: 1) H S Brahma takes charge as power Secretary (Secretary in the Ministry Of Power).
2) Ashok Chawla as the new finance secretary in the ministry of finance succeeded Arun Ramanthan.
3) New TRAI chairman J S Sharma (TDSAT member) Succeed Nipendra Mishra.
4) D P Agarwal is the Chairman of UPSC.
5) Pulock Chatterji was appointed as the new executive director of world Bank.
6) Ashok Chawla was appointed as India’s Alternative governor on the world Bank Board.
7) Justice Ashok Bhan was appointed as the new chairman of NCDRC.
8) Venu Srinivasan is the new president of Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) for 2009-10.
9) Sharat SaBharmal is the India’s new high commissioner to Pakistan.
10) Madhu Kannan is new CEO of bSE.
11) Traditionally, RBI has Four Deputy Governors of different Departments.
12) i)Punjab National Bank chairman & managing Director Kamlesh Chandra Chakrabarty is set to take over as deputy Governor of RBI in place of V Leeladhar.
13) ii)RBI Deputy Governor: Smt.Shyamala Gopinath.
14) iii)RBI Deputy Governor: Usha Thorat
15) iv)RBI Deputy Governor Rakesh Mohan is set to leave the central bank this month (June) to take up an assignment at Stand ford University.
16) Arvind Jhadav is the new chairman and managing director of national aviation Company Of India Limited(NACIL) that Operates Air India.
17) Chairman of SEBI C.B. Bhave.
18) Chairman of Planning Commission is Prime Minister.
19) Deputy Chairman of planning Commission is Montek.Singh.Ahluwalia.
20) President of NASSCOM is Som Mittal.
21) Chairman of NASSCOM is Pramod Bhasin.
22) Vice Chairman of NASSCOM is Harsh Manglik.
23) Secretary General of NATO is
Jaap de Hoop Schaffer.
24) Radha Vinod Raja as appointed as the First Director General of National Investigation Agency (NIA).
25) Sudhir Garg has assumed the charge as the chief general manager of SBH.
26) Suresh Kalmadi is president of Indian Olympic Association.
27) Dhanendra Kumar is the newly appointed chairman of Competition Commission of India.
28) 42nd Asian Development bank(President Harihuko kuroda) Summit held at bali,Indonesia.
29) Chairman and Managing Director Of SIDBI(Small Industries Development Bank Of India) is R M Malla.
30) Aravind Jhadav is the Chief and Managing Director(CMD) of Air India.
31) Chairman for Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister is Suresh D Tendulkar .
32) National Security Adviser for India is M K Marayan.
33) Foreign Secretary for India is Shivashankar menon.
34) Nirupama Rao(India’s ambassador of china) to be next Foreign Secretary to Succeed Shiv Shankar Menon who retires on July 31 2009.
35) India’s new Ambassador to US is Meera Shankar.
36) Timothy Roemer is the new US envoy to India replacing David Mulford.
37) Recently President Barack Obama has nominated Vinay Thummalapally of Colorado Springs, Colorado, as the next US Ambassador to Belize.
38) N Chandrasekhar to be new CEO of TCS.
39) Air Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik presently the Vice Chief of Air Staff has been appointed as the chief of the Indian Air Force. The present IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major retires from service on May 31, 2009.
40) Chief of Army Staff:: General Deepak Kapoor.
41) Chief of Naval Staff::Admiral Sureesh Mehta.(Vice-Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma, will be the country’s next Chief of Naval Staff with an affect from September 1st.)
42) Barbora is new IAF vice-chief.
43) Hardeep Singh Puri has been appointed as India's permanent representative to the United Nations.
44) Chief Of Central Information Commission(CIC) is Wajahat habibullah.
45) President Barack Obama announced the nomination of Charles Bolden as NASA Administrator.
46) K.P. Raghuvanshi is Maharashtra ATS chief.
47) John Bercow of the Britain’s main opposition Conservative party has been elected as the new Speaker.
48) C P Gurnani is CEO of Mahindra Satyam and Durga Shankar the new CFO.
49) Goolam E Vahanvati is the new Attorney General of India.
50) Shifting of Four new Bank chiefs: UCO Banks Chairman SK Goel is set to move Punjab national Bank, while Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) CMD Alok Mishra is moving to Bank of India. Union Bank of India Executive Director TY Prabhu will move to OBC.Basanth Seth who is present deputy manager of SIDBI will move to Syndicate Bank.
51) Ashok Jha has appointed MCX-SX as Non-Executive Chief.

Jnanpith Award, 2007 and 2008
Eminent Malayalam litterateur O.N.V. Kurup has been chosen for the 2007 Jnanpith award. Noted Urdu poet Akhlaq Khan Shahryar has been chosen for the 2008 award.
Dada Saheb Phalke Award, 2009
Telugu film actor-producer D. Ramanaidu has been selected for the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award for 2009 for his outstanding contribution to Indian cinema.

GE Engines for Tejas
GE Aviation of USA has bagged the contract for supplying engines for the Light Combat Aircraft MK-2 (LCA MK-2 or Tejas MK-2). The aircraft is being developed by the DRDO with the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) being the implementing agency for the project

Gallantry Awards, 2010
Ashok Chakra: Major Laishram Jyotin Singh, an unarmed army doctor serving in Kabul, who took on a suicide bomber and killed him, has been awarded Ashok Chakra (posthumously), the highest peacetime gallantry award

ITIR: Information Technology Investment Region.

Arjuna Awards, 2009
Indian women’s cricket team captain, Jhulan Goswami, who won the ICC Women's Player of The Year Award in 2007, is among those named for the Arjuna Award for the year 2009 by the committee headed by former track queen P.T. Usha. Other winners are: Joseph Abraham (Athletics), Krishna Poonia (Athletics), Dinesh Kumar(Boxing), Parimrajan Negi (Chess), Deepak Kumar Mandal (Football), Sandeep Singh (Hockey (Men)), Jasjeet Kaur Handa (Hockey (Women)), Dinesh Kumar (Kabaddi), Sanjeev Rajput (Shooting), Rehan Jehangir Poncha (Swimming), Kapil Dev K.J. (Volleyball), Rajeev Tomar (Wrestling), Rajesh Chaudhary (Yachting), Jagseer Singh (Paralympic (Athletics)).
Awardees will receive statuettes, citations and cash prize of Rs.5 lakh each.
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, 2009
India's ace shuttler Saina Nehwal has been selected for the prestigious award, for her outstanding achievements on the badminton court. The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna is India’s highest honour given for achievement in sports. The award carries a medal, a scroll of honour and a cash component of Rs. 500,000. The award was instituted in the year 1991-92 to supply the lack of a supreme national accolade in the field of sports.
Dronacharya Awards, 2009
This award is given by the government of India for excellence in sports coaching. The award comprises a bronze statuette of Dronacharya, a scroll of honour and a cash component of Rs.500,000 each. The award was instituted in 1985. As the best sports-person award is named Arjuna Award, it is appropriate that the coaching award is named after Dronacharya, as he was the Guru ofArjuna.
Among the winners of 2009 award were: Subhash B. Aggarwal (Billiards & Snooker), L. Ibomcha Singh (Boxing) and Ajay Kumar Bansal (Hockey). Captain Roop Chand (Wrestling) and A.K. Kutty (Athletics) were awarded for lifetime achievement.
Dhyan Chand Award, 2009
Anita Chanu (Weightlifting), Satish Pal (Athletics) and Kuldeep Singh (Wrestling) have been chosen for the award which is India's highest award for lifetime achievement in sports and games. The award is named after the legendary Indian hockey player Dhyan Chand.
India’s first sports law conference
The Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) organised the first ever ‘Sports Law Conference’ in New Delhi, on July 24-25, 2010, to deliberate on various issues related to sports and law in India. Among other things, the conference discussed the ‘Right to Information’ (RTI) and accountability of sports federations,

PSLV launches five satellites
On July 12, 2010, five satellites—CARTOSAT, STUDSAT and three foreign satellites—were launched by the ISRO-built Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). The three foreign satellites—Algerian, Canadian and Swiss—were launched as part of a commercial operation.

AFSPA: Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958.
NBS: National Business Register.
First flight of Tejas supersonic fighter plane
The dream of having a supersonic fighter jet of indigenous built came one step closer to realisation on June 2, 2010, when the Limited Series Production Tejas aircraft (LSP-4) took off from the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited airport, Bangaluru, for its first flight.
Navy gets two Warships
Giving a boost to the Navy’s defence capabilities, two state-of-the-art high-speed warships, INS Cankarso and INS Kondul, were commissioned into the naval fleet on June 29, 2010.
India’s first integrated Waste Management Plant
Infra firm a2z Infrastructure will set up India’s first integrated municipal solid waste management plant in Kanpur. The project, touted to be Asia’s largest

Unique Identification Authority of India
The Union Cabinet has cleared a new law providing for strict penal action and hefty fines going up to Rs 1 crore to guard against misuse of data collected for allotment of a Unique Identity Card or a Aadhar number to Indian citizens.
Fund to boost innovation
The National Innovation Council (NIC), a body to promote new ideas for inclusive development, has announced the setting up of a Rs 1,000 crore fund to encourage innovation.
Munda sworn in as Jharkhand Chief Minister

Visit of President of Mozambique
On September 30, 2010, during a meeting between President of Mozambique Armando Guebuza and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, India and Mozambique inked three pacts and a credit line of $500 million was extended to that country for infrastructure projects, agriculture and energy.
Dhaka okays crucial highway link to Kolkata
In major development, Bangladesh has finally agreed to start the construction of a highway that will not only provide transit facilities, ensuring easy movement of goods, but also drastically shorten the circuitous route—crucial from the military point of view—between north-eastern States and the port city of Kolkata.
Crucial military pact with South Korea
Signalling a dramatic change in its strategic positioning, especially vis-à-vis China, India, on September 3, 2010, entered into a crucial joint research and manufacturing agreement with South Korea to co-develop and co-produce military equipment.
Visit of Polish Prime Minister
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk visited India on September 7, 2010. The Indo-Polish defence cooperation figured prominently during talks between the visiting dignitary and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Allahabad High Court Verdict on Babri Masjid-Ram Janambhoomi dispute
On September 30, 2010, the much-awaited judgement of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court unanimously ruled that the idols of ‘Ram Lalla’ in the makeshift temple at the disputed site in Ayodhya cannot be removed.
Foreign Contribution Regulation Bill
Organisations of political nature and those involved in religious conversions will henceforth be barred from accepting foreign funds. Also, persons holding political positions like MPs and MLAs can no longer enjoy foreign hospitality and must intimate the government of their visits abroad, personal or official.
Nuclear Liability Bill
On August 25, 2001, the UPA government successfully shepherded the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010, through the Lok Sabha, with active support from the BJP and strategic absence of some fence-sitters such as the Samajwadi Party.
Annual Supplement to Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14
The government has extended sops worth Rs 1,052 crore to exporters, particularly for the labour-intensive textile, handicrafts and leather sectors, to help them see through the fragile economic recovery globally. The revenue implication of these measures would be Rs 1,052 crore. The government also made it clear that the popular Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) scheme, which has been in vogue for over a decade, is being extended for the last time.
India-Japan Strategic Dialogue
On August 21, 2010, visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada held the fourth round of strategic dialogue with External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna. The two sides discussed the nuclear pact, comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA), other bilateral and international issues, including UN reforms and the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
National Innovation Council
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has approved the setting up of a National Innovation Council to prepare a road map for the 'Decade of Innovation 2011-2020'. Sam Pitroda, adviser to the Prime Minister on public information infrastructure and innovations, will head the National Innovation Council.
China overtakes Japan as second-largest economy
After three decades of spectacular growth, China has passed Japan in the second quarter of 2010 to become the world’s second-largest economy behind the United States. The milestone, though anticipated for some time, is the most striking evidence yet that China’s ascendancy is for real and that the rest of the world will have to reckon with a new economic superpower.
US ends combat mission in Iraq
On August 31, 2010, US President Barack Obama announced an end to the US combat mission in Iraq, not with a declaration of victory but rather a sombre admission that the US had paid a “huge price.”
Mid-East Summit
US President Barack Obama waded into a new round of Middle East diplomacy September 1, 2010, seeking momentum for revived peace talks clouded by a flare-up of West Bank violence and a deadlock over Jewish settlements.
Cricket shamed again
Yet another match-fixing scandal rocked Pakistan cricket on August 29, 2010, engulfing its captain Salman Butt, brilliant pace duo of Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir and four other players, leading to the arrest of a bookie in London and questioning of the players by the Scotland Yard after a tabloid sting.
Gillard manages to retain power in Australia elections
On September 7, 2010, ending weeks of political uncertainty, Australia’s first woman Prime Minister Julia Gillard staked claim to form a new government after two king-maker independent MPs extended support to her Labour party, giving it a wafer-thin one-seat majority in the first hung Parliament in nearly 70 years.
Political crisis in Nepal continues
On September 26, 2010, Nepal's Constituent Assembly failed for the eighth time, during the past four months, to elect a new Prime Minister. The deadlock continues, partly because other mainstream parties do not trust the single, largest party, Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), because it continues to put its faith in one-party rule and continues to threaten it would resume armed struggle

China-Japan spat
China suspended high-level exchanges with Japan on September 19, 2010, and promised tough counter-measures after a Japanese court extended the detention of a Chinese captain whose trawler collided with two Japanese coastguard ships.
UN convention on terrorism moves a step forward
Rocked by a wave of audacious terrorist attacks in the last two years, Pakistan has finally realised the futility of opposing the proposed Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) just because India was in the forefront of initiating it at the United Nations in 1996.
PM’s panel pegs exports at $216 billion
India's exports are projected to grow by about 22 per cent to $216 billion in 2010-11, on the back of recovery in global trade, according the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council.

India-Iran sign six pacts
In their first interaction after the UN imposed the fourth round of sanctions on Tehran in June 2010 over its controversial nuclear programme, India and Iran, on July 8, 2010, signed six pacts, including one on cooperation in new and renewable energy and another on increasing the number of flights between the two countries. The MOUs were signed at the end of the two-day meeting of the India-Iran joint commission

Visit of Myanmar’s military ruler
Ignoring worldwide concerns over human rights violations in Myanmar, New Delhi rolled out a red carpet welcome for Myanmar military ruler General Than Shwe on July 27, 2010. Top Indian leaders held wide-ranging talks with him on a plethora of issues, including bilateral ties as well as international developments.
Visit of British Prime Minister
British Prime Minister David Cameron came visiting India in July 2010. Talking on terrorism affecting the region, he said that Pakistan could not be allowed to harbour militants and promote terror against India, Afghanistan and the rest of the world. On his first visit to India after becoming Prime Minister in May 2010, Unified Command to battle Naxals
In what is a first step at forming a common strategy for States hit by Naxal violence, the Centre announced, on July 13, 2010, setting up of a Unified Command in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal. Realising that development and action in Maoist areas should be together, the Centre also announced that over Rs 1,750 crore would be spent on developmental projects in the four States.
Cluster ammunition treaty comes into force
A landmark UN-sponsored treaty banning cluster munitions came into force from August 1, 2010, but all major powers, the US, China, Russia, Israel and India have shunned it. The new instrument is expected to be a major advance for global disarmament and humanitarian agenda.
Global community commits to peace initiative in Afghanistan
An international conference on Afghanistan was held on July 20, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan. The international community reiterated its commitment to continue to support peace and reintegration and said it looked forward to the local peace jirgas that included men and women at district and provincial level to discuss elements of an enduring peace.
Kyrgyzstan vote for parliamentary democracy
In a development that could have far reaching political impact in the region, Kyrgyzstan is all set to become Central Asia’s first parliamentary democracy, with an overwhelming 90.55 per cent voters backing a new constitution which strips the President’s wide ranging powers.
Fresh US sanctions on North Korea
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on july 21, 2010 that Washington would impose new sanctions on communist North Korea in a bid to stem the regime's illicit atomic

Pakistan, China ink six pacts
Pakistan and China reiterated their resolve to further strengthen strategic relationship between the two countries, increase the level of economic cooperation and take concrete measures to further bring their people closer, during the visit of Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari to China in July 2010. The two countries pledged to make joint efforts to fight terrorism, and signed six deals of cooperation in the areas of agriculture, healthcare, justice, media, economy and technology.
ONGC, OIL get freedom to price natural gas
In a significant development, the Union government has given national oil companies, Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) and Oil India Ltd (OIL), freedom to price any additional natural gas produced from blocks given to them on nomination basis at market rates. So far, all gas—current and future—produced from blocks given to ONGC and OIL was priced at government-controlled rates, called administered price mechanism (APM).
Petrol, Diesel prices freed from government control
On June 25, 2010, the Union government announced that prices of petrol and diesel would become market-driven, in line with the recommendations of a panel headed by former Planning Commission member Kirit Parikh.
India, Canada sign civil nuclear pact
On June 28, 2001, India and Canada signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement. The pact was signed during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Canada.
Visit of Sri Lankan President
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited New Delhi on June 9, 2010. During his talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he sought to cool down tempers in India over the plight of Tamils in his island nation by promising to quickly resettle displaced Tamils and expedite a political solution to the ethnic issue.
Landmark US Financial Reform Bill
On July 1, 2010, the US House of Representatives approved a landmark overhaul of financial regulations. The Bill would impose tighter regulations on financial firms and reduce their profits.
Ethic Riots in Kyrgyzstan
Russia sent hundreds of paratroopers to Kyrgyzstan on June 13, 2010 to protect its military facilities as ethnic clashes spread in the Central Asian State, bringing the death toll from days of fighting to 97. G-20 Summit meeting
A Summit meeting of Leaders from the Group of 20 economic powers was held in Toronto, Canada on June 28, 2010. The leaders have agreed to halve deficits by 2013 and stabilise or reduce the government debt-to-GDP ratio by 2016. At the same time, the bloc left it to individual countries to decide on levying taxes on banks or adopting other means to fund future bailouts.

UNSC slaps sanctions on Iran
On June 9, 2010, the UN Security Council slapped sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear programme, targeting the powerful Revolutionary Guard, ballistic missiles, and nuclear-related investments, despite opposition from Brazil and Turkey.
SAARC nations pledge coordinated action to tackle terror
Members of SAARC have pledged to step up coordinated action against the common menace of terrorism, including steps to apprehend or extradite persons connected with acts of terrorism and facilitate real-time intelligence sharing.
US-Russia ties improve
On June 25, 2010, US President Barack Obama declared he had succeeded in “resetting” the US-Russia relationship, which he said had reached its lowest point since the Cold War at the end of George W. Bush’s term in office. Obama was speaking to reporters in the East Room of the White House following meetings with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Canada government blamed for Kanishka crash
A long-awaited inquiry into the 1985 Air India Kanishka bombing, which killed 329 persons, mostly of Indian origin, has blamed the Canadian government for its failure to prevent the tragedy and recommended the appointment of a powerful security czar to resolve disputes between conflicting interests among security agencies.
G-8 leaders drop commitment to complete Doha round in 2010
On June 27, 2010, G-8 leaders met in Totonto, Canada for their annual Summit meeting. The leaders decided to drop a commitment to complete the troubled Doha trade round in 2010 and vowed to push forward on bilateral and regional trade talks until a global deal could be done

Decks cleared for first Defence University
More than 40 years after it was mooted, the Union Cabinet, on May 13, 2010, gave its approval to set up the nation’s first defence university at Binola, around 20 km from Gurgaon. It would aim at imparting education on strategic challenges to armed forces officials, bureaucrats, academicians, parliamentarians and trainees at military academies

Visit of President Patil to China
Indian President Pratibha Patil visited Beijing from May 27, 2010. She is the first Indian Head of State to visit China in a decade. She had been invited by her Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao and her trip coincided with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and China.
Rs 67,000 crore 3-G bonanza for government
The bidding frenzy for third generation (3-G) spectrum came to an end on May 19, 2010, with leading operators Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications and Aircel winning licences for 13 circles each. This was the 34th day of the auction and it saw the price of a pan-India, or nationwide, licence touching Rs 16,828 crore, nearly five times its base price. No single operator could garner enough cash to win bids for all the 22 circles that went under the hammer.
EU steps to halt economic crisis
On May 10, 2010, European policy makers unveiled an unprecedented loan package worth almost $1 trillion and a program of bond purchases to stop a sovereign-debt crisis that threatened
1. Which of the following Indian city has been named among the top four Livable cities in the world?

a)Mumbai b)New Delhi c)Ahmedabad d)Bangalore e)Hyderabad

2. Recntly which country has become full fledge member of Financial Action Task Force(FATF)?

a)Bangladesh b)Pakistan c)China d)India e)none

3. Which country is building the World’s largest telescope in Antarctica?

a)China b)US c)Russia d)India e)Britain
4. Who won the Next Step Foundation 2010 Award?

a)Veerappa Moily b)Sharad Pawar c)Manmohan Singh d)Sonia Gandhi e)none

5. Who has been sworn in as 59th President of Colombia?

a)Michael Bloomberg b)Julia Gillard c)Christian Wulff d)Juan Manuel Santos e)none

6. Who has been appointed as the new vice president of ICC?

a)John Howard b)Sharad Pawar c)Alan Isaac d)Malcom Speed e)none

7. Who has been chosen for the Lal Bahadur Shastri Award for Excellence in public administration, academics and management for 2010?

a)Aditi Lahiri b)Aruna Roy c)Bharat Bhasker d)Girish Tewari e)none

8. Ravindra Kelekar has been presented the coveted 2006 Jnanpith Award for his contribution to the world in Literature. He was a famous write in which language?

a)Konkani b)Hindi c)Bengali d)Sanskrit e)none

9. Who among the following received the 2010 National Amity Award?

a)Yash Chopra b)Amir Khan c)Amitabh Bachchan d)Kareena Kapoor e)Sunil Dutt

10. Who has been conferred as Businessman of the Decade Award?

a)Narayana Murthy b)Mukhesh Ambani c)Ratan Tata d)Lakshmi Mittal e)Azim Premji

11. Which is the first state in the country to launch the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana(PMAGY)?

a)Gujarat b)Rajasthan c)Uttar Pradesh d)Bihar e)Assam

12. With which country India has inked a deal for purchase of 57 Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer Aircraft?

a)US b)Britain c)Israel d)Russia e)none

13. What is the present Retirement age of High court judges?

a)58 b)60 c)62 d)65 e)none

14. Who is the head of National Innovation Council to prepare road map for the decade of Innovation 2010-2020?

a)Kapil Sibal b)A S Murthy c)Manmohan Singh d)Sam Pitroda e)none

15. How many crores has been allocated for the Leh Cloudburst Victims?

a)50 b)75 c)100 d)125 e)150

16. ‘2010Stand Up, Take Action’ is a campaign against ______?

a)Commonwealth Games b)Poverty c)Inflation d)Per capita Income e)Illiteracy

17. The Winner of 2010 Man Booker Prize?

a)Kiran Desai b)Anne Enright c)Hillary Mantel d)Aravind Adiga e)Howard Jacobson

18. The 2010 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit was held in ______?

a)Beijing b)Bangkok c)Seoul d)Brussels e)London

19. Which Country has won highest gold medals in XIX Common wealth Games 2010?

a)India b)China c)Australia d)Canada e)none

20. XX Commonwealth Games 2014 will be held at _____?

a)Rome b)London c)Beijing d)Glasgow e)Melbourne

1.Many a times we read in the newspapers that credit creation by Banks increases the Money supply. From the following given options, bring out the one, upon which credit creation by banks does not depend?
(B)Financial Literacy
2.We read in the newspapers that India's per capita income has been increasing for last many years, however, even today, India is far from achieving welfare of all. Which of the following statements/ situation indicates a better welfare due to rising per capita income?
(C)The per capita income increases with change in the income distribution in favor of the Poor
3.Recently, ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement came into force. ASEAN accounts for approximately what fraction of India's Foreign Trade?
4.Euribor is a term associated with which of the following?
(C)A reference rate for Euro Money Market
5.If the people prefer to keep cash with them rather than deposits, which among the following impacts will be seen on the Money Supply of the country?
(B)The money supply of the country will decrease
6.India's all economic transactions with the outside world in a year will be known as __________?
(B) Balance of Payments
7.In which of the following country is being carried out world’s
largest carbon credit project
? (It recently got UNFCC's nod)
(B) India
8.The livestock census in India is done every_______?
(B)5 years
9.Consider the following:
1. Life Expectancy at Birth
2. Infant Mortality Rate
3. Adult Literacy Rate
4. Number of people below Poverty Line
5. Number of Primary School drop outs.
Which among the above are 3 elements of Human Development Index?
10.Which of the following country is the host of 2014 FIFA World Cup?
11.Which of the following states of India, recently organized International Rhododendron festival recently?
12.Who among the following personalities of India became Bharat ka Paryavaran Ambassador in a poll "Kaun Banega Bharat ka Paryavaran Ambassador" Programme conducted by the Centre for environment Education in partnership with Arcelor Mittal, for the Ministry of Environment and Forest
Government of India in 2009?
(B)A P J Abdul Kalam
13.Which of the following sectors of Indian economy has received maximum FDI equity flow in 2009?
(A)Services sector
14.Where are located the Headquarters of National Test House?
15.Under which of the following Ministries of Government of India works the Forward Markets Commission?
(E)Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
16.To which of the following neighbor country , India ceded Kachchatheevu island in 1974?
(B)Sri Lanka
17.Gram Sumangal a 100% central sector scheme provides_________?
(C)Postal Insurance
18.Under which of the following departments / ministries comes the "Grant-in-aid to Universities & Research Institutions" in India?
(C)Planning Commission
19.Who among the following will be benefited by Deflation?
(A)Salary Earners
20.Which among the following are two maximum revenue-yielding groups of Indirect taxes in India?
(B)Union Excise Duties and General Sales tax
1.Recently we read in the financial newspapers that, the number of credit card holders in India is decreasing consistantly (the number of credit cards in circulation fell below the 20-million mark in March 2010). Which among the following is the most responsible reason behind the fall of the number of credit cards in circulation in India?
(D)The issuers are culling inactive and defaulting accounts and focusing instead on increasing spends per card
2.Choose the set of the years in between Indian Cricket League operated?
3.Which among the following research and asset management firm is launching India Infrastructure Index Fund ?
(B) Emerging Global Advisors
4.Consider the following Banks:
1. ICICI Bank 2. HDFC Bank 3. Axis Bank 4. State Bank of India
Arrange the above banks in decreasing order of their ATM presence in India:
5.In context with the ATM transactions in India, as per the recent directives of RBI,the banks are permitted to charge customers after how many free third party transactions every month?
6.Which among the following does not come under the Priority Sector Lending (PSL)?
(B)Environmentally sustainable projects
7.Which among the following function of RBI gives most clear indication that it is Bankers' Bank in India?
(C)Liquidity Adjustment Facility
8.What is the validity period of Laghu Udyami Credit Card?
(A)3 years
9.In context with banking in India, March 16, 1949 is a date which marks:
(C)Banking Regulation act coming in Force
10.A Rs. 50 note with a * (star) in the number panel between the prefix and the serial number indicates that _________?
(C)This note was printed by RBI to replace a defectively printed banknote
11.Consider the following:
1. International Monetary Fund
2. Word Bank
3. World Trade Organization
4. US Treasury Department
5. US Federal Bank
Which among the above institutions were a part of Washington Consensus?
(C)1,2 & 4
12.Hundies are normally __________?
(B)Bills of Exchanges
13.The Union Bank of India would like to use an account of State bank of India in Citibank of New York in dollars. For Union Bank of India it is a _________?
(C)LORO Account
14.Which among the following body publishes Incoterms?
(B)International Chamber of Commerce
15.In which of the following situations, the current ratio, net working capital and debt equity ratio of a Bank will improve?
(B)If the bank issues rights shares
1.Who among the following was chairman of Union Carbide when Bhopal tragedy occurred on 3 December 1984?
(B)Warren Anderson

3.In context with the wheat grains procured and further released by the FCI (Food Corporation of India) in the market, which among the following had been suggested by the Economic Survey 2009-10?

(C)The grain should be released in small batches to a large number of traders at prices significantly above the market price, but sufficiently below the procurement price.
4.If we consider that BSE Index has increased from 17000 to 17170 today, it would mean that __________?
(C)Total value of the securities which constitute the index has increased 1%
5.Which among the following sub sectors of the petroleum and natural gas (PNG) sector in India does not fall in the domain of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board of India (PNGRB)?
(A)exploration and production of PNG
6.Revenue-neutral rate (RNR) is a component of which of the following taxes in India?
(A)Goods and Services Tax (GST)
7.To bring in more transparency, discourage mis-selling of Ulips & other insurance policies and help investors take informed decisions, what is the free look period given to the consumers?
(B) 15 Days
8.Which among the following treaties / arrangements is the successor to the Cold war-era Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM)?
(D)Wassenaar Arrangement
9.By April 2010, how many approvals have been granted for setting up of SEZs in India ?
10.Indian firms like Coal India Ltd (CIL), NTPC and Tata Steel are looking for opportunities to acquire coal mines in this country, but recently there was a policy change and country proposed to impose a super profit tax of 40% on mining leading the companies to raise their concerns. The country in
the question is _____?
11.Recently we read in the newspapers that there is a huge trade imbalance between India and China. India wants China to open up its market for Indian exports such as basmati rice, bovine meat and some varieties of fruits and vegetables. Earlier, China too had promised India to help the country in
reducing the heavy trade imbalance. In 2009-10, approximately what was the trade imbalance between India and China?
(C)$16 Billion
12.Recently, the Government of India has amended the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules. What is the proposed minimum threshold level of public holding for all listed companies as per this amendment?
the current number of notified Eco Sensitive Zones in India?
14.Consider the following statements regarding India's National Bird peacock:
1. Wildlife Protection Act 1972 prohibits killing of Peacock
2. Wildlife Protection Act 1972 allows domestic trade of Peacock feathers
3. Wildlife Protection Act 1972 allows exports of Peacock feathers
Which among the above statements hold true?
(A)1 & 2
15.Which of the following bank has recently won the prestigious Asian Banker Achievement Award for being the strongest bank in Asia Pacific region?
(B)State Bank of India
1.To whom among the following, a Judge of a High court would tender his / her resignation?
(D)President of India
2.Which among the following is the correct definition of a Flea Market ?
(C)A Flea market is a market where used and old goods are sold and bartered
4.Around which of the following planets a mega ring was discovered recently?
5.As of march 2010, Reserve bank of India held 557.75 tons of Gold. This amount of gold makes what fraction of Total Foreign Exchange Reserves of India?
6.We known that since 1991, India's Foreign Exchange reserves have grown significantly. In recent years India has been successful in accumulate large foreign exchange reserves which are now a days considered an important parameter in gauging the ability to absorb external shocks. In
this context, in which of the following financial years, India's foreign exchange reserves decreased for entire year rather than increasing?
(C)March 2008-March 2009
7.consider the following statements:
1. Foreign Currency Assets are maintained only by RBI
2. Foreign Currency Assets are maintained only in US Dollars
Which among the above statement is / are correct?
(A)1 only
8.Who among the following was the Chairman of the Committee on Fuller Capital Account Convertibility (July 2006)?
(A)SS Tarapore
9.How often the RBI releases Reserve Bank of India’s Reference Rate for the US dollar?
10.In which of the following years, India was appointed by the International Monetary Fund, as a creditor under its Financial Transaction Plan (FTP)?
11.The Foreign exchange reserves are viewed as a market stabilizing force in an uncertain International economic environment. The Reserve Bank of India warrants keeping this in view, which among the following approach in management of Market Risk?
(B)Interest Rate Risk
12."Department of External Investments and Operations" falls within the ambit of which of the following?
(A) Reserve Bank of India
13.Which among the following is an Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard?
(B)ISO 27001
14.68 Central banks across the world have adopted the Special Data Dissemination Standards and India's RBI is one of them. What kind of data is to be published under the Special Data Dissemination Standards?
(C)Foreign Exchange Reserves Data
15.Gopal Das is the CMD of which of the following PSUs ?
1.In which of the following segments of the aviation sector, 100 % FDI is permitted in India ?
1. Green Field Air Port Projects
2. Scheduled Air Transport Service
3. Non-Scheduled Air Transport Service
(A)1 only
2.A non-banking finance company (NBFC) in India has to make some investments in overseas ventures. The NBFC is required to seek regulatory clearance from which of the following authorities?
3.We read in the newspapers, that India infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) was recently given nod to fund the infrastructure projects in the country by "Takeout Financing". Which among the following is the primary aim of this "takeout financing'?
(C)To prevent any possible asset liability mismatch
4.What is the number of core-infrastructure industries having a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) of India?
5.In which year , Indian Electricity Act, 1910, the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 were merged into a single Act ?
6.India has abundant resources of the Non-coking coals as compared to the coking coals. Consider the following statements:
1. The Coking Coal has higher amount of Ash while Non-coking coal has higher amount of Sulfur
2. Coking coal is used in thermal power plants while non-coking coal is used in steel plants
Which among the above is / are correct?
(D)neither 1 nor 2
7.At which of the following locations was established Indian Maritime University (IMU) by an Act of Parliament in November, 2008?
8.To encourage the Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Major Ports FDI up to what ceiling is permitted in India for construction and maintenance of ports and harbors?
9.Which among the following is correct about e-Granthalaya ?
(B)It’s a software developed by National Informatics Center
10.How the National Urban Housing & Habitat Policy 2007 seeks realize its goal of " Affordable Housing For All’ ?
(B)By promoting various types of public-private partnerships
11.The first major effort to evolve rules of the game for international trade (or multilateral trade) was in the post-World War II era which resulted in the establishment which of the following?
12.The most favored nation (MFN) rule and the national treatment policy of the World Trade Organization enshrine themselves with which of the following?
13.Less-than full reciprocity (LTFR) is a term associated with which of the following organizations?
(B)World Trade Organization
14.Approximately, what fraction of market capitalization of the Bombay Stock Exchange is accounted by the 30 stocks of the BSE SENSEX?
15.Which among the following alternative exchange Rate Regime is most popular in the world today?
(D)Fixed-but-Adjustable Exchange Rate

1.Recently we read in the newspapers that the "European Systemic Risk Council" is proposed to be established which might be chaired by the President of the European Central Bank (ECB). ECB is the central bank of Eurozone which was established by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1998.
Where are the headquarters of ECB?
2.In context with Banking, which among the following is a correct with regard to Merchandise Credit and Merchandise Debit?
(A)Merchandise credit relate to export of goods while merchandise debit represent import of goods
3.Recently, Government of India has launched a Scheme of 1 per cent interest subvention on housing loans up to Rs. 10 lakh, provided that the cost of the house is not above Rs. 20 Lakh. Which among the following is the main objective of this scheme?
(D)To boost the demand of housing
4.Which among the following is not an OPEC Country?
5.Which among the following is India's largest Agricultural & Allied Products export commodity? (In terms of export Rs. Crore for 2007-08,2008-09,2009-10)
6.Which among the following group is also referred to as signed the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB)?
7.Bring out the correct statement:
(A)The Group of Thirty-Three (G-33) superseded the G-22 and was itself superseded by the G-20
8.Many a times we read in the newspapers about a term "Repatriation", which refers to transfer of assets from a foreign country to a home country. Which among the following is a consequence of present government rules in context with the "Repatriation"?
(A)The large companies with foreign shareholding are liberal in their distribution of dividends,
9.Many a times we read in the financial newspapers about a term "Progressive Tax System". Consider the following statements in this context:
1. Progressive tax is harsher on the poor sections of the society
2. In Progressive tax, average tax rate is less than the marginal tax rate
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
(B)Only 2 is true
10.Recently India's Income tax department celebrated 150 years of establishment in the country. In the speech of Pranab Mukherjee on this occasion, it was revealed that Income Tax Department has collected nearly Rs. 3.80 Lakh crore in 2009-10. Now the minister asks the Income tax department to make double digit contribution of direct taxes to GDP by collecting high revenues and help in building strong nation. What is the current contribution of the Direct Taxes to GDP?
11.Which among the following is the correct statement representing frequently used word "Loan Servicing"?
(D)Loan servicing is paying the interest on loans
12.The terms Entry Load and Exit Load are most frequently used in context with the following?
(C)Mutual Funds
13.Which among the following is a correct statement about the current position in context with the 'entry load' & 'exit load' ?
(C)'entry load' has been called off and 'exit load' has not been changed by SEBI
14.At Present, our country has about 32000 rural bank branches. The government, in order to facilitate inclusive growth throughout the country has in the Budget Speech 2010-2011 directed banks to extend the reach of financial services to 73000 villages of the country, which have a
population of ___________ as per 2001 Census by 2012. Which among the following is the correct numeral to fill in the blank?
15.What are the current Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate?
(A)6.25, 5.25
1.Recently, the "Blue Baby Syndrome" or "methemoglobinemia" has been making news as an environmentally caused Children's health issue. In this disease, the infant’s blood is unable to carry enough oxygen to body cells and tissue. It was published in some research papers that the ground water with large concentrations of one of the following salts causes the Blue Baby Syndrome. Which among the following is that salt?
2.Recently "Rosario" is making news. Its a city in which of the following countries and played host to the 2010 Women's Hockey World Cup?
3.Who among the following has written "Jiyo Utho Bado Jeeto", the official theme song of Commonwealth Games?
4.Who among the following was first Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna?
(A)Viswanathan Anand
5.Goa Shipyard Limited is an undertaking of which of the following ministries of India?
(D)Ministry of Defense
6.Who among the following is India's current Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI)?
(B)Sriprakash Jaiswal
7.Recently Sonia Gandhi was elected as President of Congress party for record 4th time. Who among the following was the first President of Congress?
(A)Womesh Chandra Bannerjee
8.Which of the following country was winner of the 2010 Women's Hockey World Cup?
9.Which of the following states has recently appointed Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the brand ambassador of the save tiger campaign in that state?
10.At which of the following places, recently the draft of SAARC Charter of Democracy was adopted?
11.Which among the following is NOT a SAARC member?
12.Recently Oman has agreed to invest 3 billion dollars in India to revive the closed and defunct plants of which of the following?
13.In which country is located Shakespeare beach?
14.Which among the following organizes World Investment Forum every two years?
15.In which country, 2nd World Investment Forum meeting took place recently?

1. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) registered a ______ growth during 2009-10?

a)13.5% b)15% c)7.7% d)10.4% e)none

2. Who became the first player to score 1000 T20 international runs?

a)Virender Sehwag b)Chris Gayle c)Yuvraj Singh d)Suresh Raina

e)Brendon McCullum

3. The Environment Ministry has set up a 19-member committee to study in detail the implementation of the Forest Rights Act, 2006. Who is the chairman of the committee?

a)M. Shankar )S Goplakrishnan c)Devendra Pandey d)N C Saxena e)none

4. Mohan Makhijani popularly known as Mac Mohan recently passed away. He was well known person in which of the following?

a)Politics b)Sports c)Movies d)Painting e)none

5. With which country India decided to double their trade from $16 billion to $32 billion in next five years?

a)Malaysia b)Singapore c)Switzerland d)Nepal e)none

6. Which of the following ministry has bought cotton and cotton waste under the restricted list for exports?

a)Ministry of Agriculture c)Ministry of Commerce and Industry

d)Ministry of Consumer Affairs b)Ministry of Finance e)none

7. Who won the Khar Gymkhana All-India Men's Open Tennis Tournament?

a)Aditya Madkekar b)Saurav Sukul c)Ronak Manuja d)Yannick Nedlord e)none

8. Which city hosted the 15th Asian Squash Championship 2010?

a)Delhi b)Chennai c)Hyderabad d)Chandigarh e)none

9. Which Country won the 2010 Uber Cup(World Team Badminton Championships for Women)?

a)China b)Indonesia c)India d)South Korea e)none

10. Who is the author of the book ‘Courts and their Judgements’?

a)Vikas Swarup b)Pratap Sharma c)Arun Shourie d)Mrinal Pande e)none

11. Which of the following organization has won the sponsorship rights of Indian cricket team?

a)Bharti Airtel b)Reliance c)Yahoo d)Sahara e)none

12. Who has been honoured with “Goodwill Ambassador” title for the promotion of handloom-Khadi industry in Kerala?

a)Amitabh Bachchan b)Mammootty c)Mohanlal d)Amir Khan e)none

13. Which country has taken over 400,000 hectares of Russian land on lease for agricultural purpose?

a) Japan b) India c) Kazakhstan d) Ukraine e) China

14. What is the maximum amount that the customers can draw through ATM in a day at present?

a)Rs 25,000 b)Rs 50,000 c)Rs 1,25,000 d)Rs 30,000 e)none

15. In which of the following city Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee unveiled the centralised processing centre (CPC) of the income tax department to enable faster refunds to tax payers?

a)Bangalore b)Chennai c)Hyderabad d)Ahmedabad e)none

16. Who is the Chairman of the committee to build India’s first indigenous civilian transport?

a)K. Kasturirangan )V.K Saraswat c)K Radhakrishnan d)Madhavan Nair e)none

17. What is the full form of NFS in banking?

a)Network Financial System

B) National Financial Service

c) National Financial Switch

d)Network Financial Service


18. Which country has decided to set up a nuclear city that would use atomic energy for peaceful purposes, especially in industry, agriculture, mining, desalination and medical field?

a)Saudi Arabia b)Iran c)India d)Japan e)none

19. Which of the following does not come under BASIC countries?

a)Brazil b)South Africa c)Russia d)China e)India

20. In India, National Doctors Day is annually celebrated on _______?

a)June 30th b)July 2nd c)June 1st d)July 1st e)none

List of 2010 Nobel Prize Winners:

· The Nobel Prize in Peace has been given to Liu Xiaobo "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China".

· The Nobel Prize in Medicine has been given to Robert G. Edwards "for the development of in vitro fertilization".

· The Nobel Prize in Literature has been given to Mario Vargas Llosa "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat".

· The Nobel Prize in Physics has been given to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov "for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene".

· The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been given to Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki "for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis"

· The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences has been given to Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen and Christopher A. Pissarides "for their analysis of markets with search frictions".

Federabal Bank Mock Test:

1.Sunita has two bank accounts, one with HDFC Bank and another with ICICI Bank. She wants to transfer Rs.10,000 from HDFC Bank to ICICI Bank. Which is the safest method to do so?
A. Write a ‘Self’ cheque for Rs.10,000 and withdraw cash from HDFC Bank, go to ICICI Bank and deposit the amount in cash
B. Visit ATM of HDFC Bank, withdraw Rs.10,000 cash, go to ICICI Bank and deposit the amount in cash.
C. Transfer Rs.10,000 by cheque from HDFC Bank account to ICICI Bank D. All
2. What is known as the plastic money?
A. Plastic tokens used in Financial Games B. Debit Card C. Credit Card D. Debit card and credit card both
3. USD/INR exchange rate has come down from 50 to 48. What does it mean?
A. Indian Rupee has depreciated against US Dollar B. Indian Rupee has appreciated against US Dollar
C. USD has become stronger D. INR has become weaker
4. Which is the Central Bank in India?
A. Central Bank of India B. State Bank of India C. Indian Bank D. Reserve Bank of India
. What is the full form of the term AQB, which is associated with bank account?
A. Audited Quarterly Balance B. Account with Quarterly Balance C. Assessed Quarterly Balance
D. Average Quarterly Balance
6. In various types of Loans, the term EMI is used for
A. Equal Minimum Installment B. Equated Monthly Installment C. Equated Money Index
D. Easy Money Installment
7. Full form of NAV in Mutual Fund Parlance
A. Net Annual Value B. Net Actual Value C. Net Asset Value D. Non Asset Value
8. In the Life Insurance, which policy is the purest form of insurance
A. Endowment Policy B. Money Back Policy C. Whole Life Policy D. Term Insurance Policy
9. Manoj was allotted shares of the company under employee stock options. He has made some profit by selling shares. His profit is known as
A. Income from share B. Income from stock options
C. Income from other allowances D. Income from capital gains
10. What is the full form for NPS
A. New Pension Scheme
B. Non Government Pension Scheme C. National Public Scheme D. National Planning Service
11. What is the full form of ITR
A. India Technology and Research B. Income Tax Return C. Income Tax Review D. Income Tax Report
12. If a company issues its shares first time to the public, it is known as IPO. In the same way, when a mutual fund issues units for the first time, what is it called
A. Rights Issue B. Public Issue C. New Issue D. NFO
13. What is the full form of NCD
A. National Capital District B. Non Cumulative Deposit
C. National Crime Detection D. Non Convertible Debentures
14. What is meant by Free Credit Period in case of credit card?
A. Period during which credit card holders can purchase anything free of cost
B. Period during which credit card holders can shop without paying any finance charges
C. Period during which credit card holders cannot do any shopping
D. Period during which credit card holders are not eligible for any reward points
15. What is the full form of ATM
A. Any Time Machine B. Automated Teller Machine

C. Automatic Tea Machine D. Average Trading Multiple
16. In the compound interest formula = A(1 + r/m)^mn, A is the principal amount, r is the rate of interest, and m is the frequency of compounding. If a bank pays interest compounded quarterly, what is the value of m?
A. 12 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
17. If you want to use your credit card prudently, what you should ideally do?
A. Pay off minimum amount every month B. Pay only the finance charges
C. Pay the total bill every month in full
18. What is the full form of PAN
A. Pension Account Notification B. Permanent Account Number
C. Primary Account Number D. Previous Account Number
19. International price of gold is quoted in terms of US Dollar, what is its unit?
A. Per Gram B. Per Kg C. Per 10 Grams D. Per Troy Ounce
20. In India, gold is currently sold at Rs.15,000 per 10 grams. What is the price of 1 Kg of gold?
A. 1.5 Million B. 1.5 Billion C. 150 Thousand D. None of the above
21. Which of the following life insurance plans is the cheapest in terms of premium?
A. Term Insurance Plan B. Term Insurance Plan with return of Premium
C. Endowment Plan D. Whole Life Plan
22. Bank ABC pays 8% interest for a three year term deposit with interest compounded annually. Bank XYZ pays 8% interest for a three year term deposit with quarterly compounding of interest. Which bank is more attractive in terms of returns?
A. Bank ABC B. Bank XYZ C. None D. Both
23. A car financing company offers you a loan of 300,000 repayable in three years by way EMI of 10,000. What is the total interest outgo?
A. 290,000 B. 60,000 C. Nil D. 20,000
24. For the Assessment Year 2010-2011, if an individual falls in the highest tax slab, what will be the rate of income tax for income above 500,000? (Excluding Education Cess)
A. 20% B. 10% C. 30% D. 35%
25. What is the rate of interest on PPF and what is the permissible investment amount per year?
A. 8%, 70,000 B. 8%, No Limit C. 8%, 60,000 D. 8.5%, 70,000
26. For the Credit Card issuing companies, a credit card is a type of _________ loan
A. Secured Loan B. Unsecured Loan C. Mortgage Loan D. Housing
27. For opening DEMAT Account, _________ is the mandatory requirement
A. Share Trading Account B. Investment in Shares C. PAN Card D. Age Proof
28. What is the rate of service tax + education cess on stock brokerage charges?
A. 10% B. 10.3% C. 10.36%% D. 0.125%
29. What do you require in order to withdraw cash from your bank account through ATM
A. Debit card and PIN B. ATM card and PIN C. Credit card and PIN D. Any one of A or B
30. Ramesh wants to transfer Rs.5000 from Bank A to Bank B by cheque. Ramesh should write a cheque from the chequebook of Bank A and deposit it in Bank B with a cheque deposit slip. In whose name, should Ramesh write the cheque?
A. Yourself B. Bank A C. Bank B D. Ramesh
57th National Film Awards
Best feature film: Kutty Srank (Malayalam).
Best Director: Rituparno Ghosh for Abohoman (Bengali).
Best Actor: Amitabh Bachchan for Paa (Hindi).
Best Actress: Ananya Chatterjee for Lahore (Hindi).
Best supporting actor: Farooque Sheikh for Lahore (Hindi).
Best supporting actress: Arundhati Naag for Paa (Hindi).
Indira Gandhi award for best debut film of a director: Lahore (Hindi) by Sanjay